Alabama Polygraph Examiners Board

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Polygraph Examiners Act
(Code of Alabama)

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Polygraph Examiners Act (Code of Alabama)

Article 1 General Provisions.

Section 34-25-1 Short title.
Section 34-25-2 Definitions.
Section 34-25-3 Instrumentation.
Section 34-25-4 Polygraph Examiners Board generally.
Section 34-25-5 Administration and enforcement of chapter; deposits and expenditures; per diem and travel expenses for board members; purchasing; board exempt from sales tax.
Section 34-25-6 Admissibility of results as evidence.
Section 34-25-7 Injunctions; contempt of court.
Section 34-25-8 Penalties.

Article 2 Licenses.

Section 34-25-20 Required; unauthorized practice.
Section 34-25-21 Qualifications of examiner; bond.
Section 34-25-22 Applications for original license; background checks; disclosure of information.
Section 34-25-23 Nonresident applicants.
Section 34-25-24 Applicant with out-of-state license.
Section 34-25-25 Internship license.
Section 34-25-26 Examination and license fees.
Section 34-25-27 Display of license; signature thereon.
Section 34-25-28 Change of business address.
Section 34-25-29 Termination and renewal of examiner's license.
Section 34-25-30 License required to maintain action.
Section 34-25-32 Refusal, suspension, reprimand, probation, or revocation - Grounds.
Section 34-25-33 Refusal, suspension, reprimand, probation, or revocation - Violation by one examiner or trainee not to affect employer.
Section 34-25-34 Refusal, suspension, reprimand, probation, or revocation - Hearing.
Section 34-25-35 Refusal, suspension, reprimand, probation, or revocation - Judicial review.
Section 34-25-36 Refusal, suspension, reprimand, probation, or revocation - Surrender of license.

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